Statewide Abstract and our partner,, is now offering you access to this IRS process allowing you to save 30-40% in taxes on the profits from your sale. You are required to hire a 1031 Accommodator (that’s us!) to help you follow the rules.
How Does a 1031 Exchange work?
There are a few different types of 1031 exchanges, and a few different ways that they can work for you. Watch the video below, download our '1031 Roadmap' or schedule a consultation with one of our Attorney-trained 1031 Specialists to learn more!
The right exchange means an exchange that serves your current objectives and is easy to get done! 1031 Exchanges have a lot more to offer than just wealth-building. Depending on your objective, there are a lot of different ways you can make a 1031 exchange work for you.
If you’d like to discuss your ideas with one of our 1031 Specialists, feel free to schedule a consultation at your convenience.

1031 Exchange Advantage™ is a trade name of 1031 EA, LLC and is not a licensed broker. 1031 EA, LLC does not provide, brokerage, legal or accounting services and is simply a Qualified Intermediary under the IRS code. It therefore is not providing any services other than accommodation services and clients and prospects are advised to confirm all tax, legal, accounting and real estate investment decisions with their professionals such as their accountant or attorney.™ is a trade name of 1031 Exchange Advantage®.
A 1031 exchange is a method of tax deferral upon the sale of investment real estate. However, the decision to pay or not pay accumulated and/or deferred taxes is up to the taxpayer, who has control over whether transactions are completed tax-deferred, or tax-free!
If an exchanger should decide to continue exchanging into investment property of same or greater value for life, and never sell investment property without utilizing a 1031 exchange, no taxes would be due on any transactions, making them tax-free! Even in the event the taxpayer dies, the taxes die with him, again making the transactions tax-free!
Because the choice is up to the taxpayer, we like to say taxes in an exchange are deferred, unless you choose to Sell Tax-Free!
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Copyright © 1031 EA, LLC, All Rights Reserved