
Statewide Abstract Raises over $335,000 for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

WHITE PLAINS, NY (July 26, 2023)– Statewide Abstract Corporation raised $75,200 at the 4th Annual St. Jude Scramble Charity Golf Outing held on June 26th at Westchester Hills Golf Club in White Plains. This brings the total raised to date to $335,200. “We are incredibly proud of the amount of money we have raised for St. Jude. Each year we bring together over 150 golfers for this event and they always step up to support this important cause,” said Ken Meccia, President of Statewide Abstract. “St. Jude is an incredible organization that has done so much for so many children […]

Statewide Abstract Raises over $335,000 for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Read More »

The Breakfast Club Supports Food Banks and First Responders

The Breakfast Club, a Westchester-based networking group of real estate industry professionals, has been making contributions to first responders and organizations that help and support those in need since the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic. To date, the group has donated money to Feeding Westchester, has provided meals to medical staff at White Plains and New Rochelle hospitals, and has supported a fundraiser for Hillside Food Outreach Programs led by Matt McAllister, a title officer at Statewide Abstract. “We started this real estate-centric group with common goals,” said Ken Meccia, president of Statewide Abstract Corp. and one of the founding

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